Thursday, 3 May 2012

May 4th 2012 Quote.

Discover your potentials

Think wise and shape your future.

Think wise and shape your future.

We become poor thinking we have so much time to make something out of our opportunities not minding the fact that more time opens doors for more responsibilities that will make our opportunity yield little as more responsibilities has made the benefit of the opportunities limited. As a growing person, we should make very good use of our opportunities when they come no matter the age we are as such gold opportunity might not come again when we have little responsibilities for the benefit of such gold opportunity. We become poor when we are young and manage through poverty or average life as we step into real life (advanced).

Do not think you are young to exercise your potentials in managing your every resources thinking you still have time. As you age grows, so does your responsibilities grows into a tight and more complex situation. Make good use of your young vibrant age potential and make wise decisions on your every resources when you have lesser responsibilities for every resource. Say no to " We Are Managing" Say yes to " It's Good" 

Think Positive at all times.....

Anthony C. Odunze. 

May 3rd 2012 Quote